Mailbag Archive

This is a really boring archive of all the old Trotting Krippering mailbags. Dig it, but don't forget to bury it afterwards.

  • Mailbag #1(Featuring assorted crap received during the first month of the site's existence)

  • Mailbag #2(Topics include the competition, Plundered Hearts, and emulation)

  • Mailbag #3(Topics include the future of the text adventure, Rybread Celsius, and the size of the graphical competition games)

  • Mailbag #4(Topics include women in IF, Comp '99, and even more "Plundered Hearts."

  • Mailbag #5(Topics include Topologika, Baf, and SEX. Okay, maybe not sex...)

    I'm goin' home