changes to Roody's Phone class

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changes to Roody's Phone class

Post by misterman83 »

Hello everyone. I've made some changes to some of Roody's code found at ... stuff.html. The only chanes I've made is to change calls to the doDialNumber(x) and doAnswerNumber(x) routines. I've changed these to the x.react_dial and x.react_answer properties. I don't know how polished it is, but I thought I'd post it here for the more experienced hugo programmers to look at.

Code: Select all

Phone.h -- an upgrade of some code by Roody Yogurt
which was based on code by Cardinal Teulbachs

attribute someone_on_line alias switchedon
property current_number alias misc
property react_dial alias react_before
property react_answer alias react_after
class phone "telephone_class"
	type phone
	is open, platform
	nouns "telephone", "phone"
	article "a"
	parse_rank 3
		"It's just an ordinary telephone.";
		if Contains(player, receiver)
			print AFTER_PERIOD;
			"The receiver is off the hook."
		else : ""
		object DoGet,DoListen, DoHangup, DoAnswer
			Perform(verbroutine, receiver)
		xobject DoPutIn
			if object = receiver
			Perform(&DoPutIn, receiver, hook)
			else : return false
		xobject DoGet
			if object = receiver
				Perform(&DoGet, receiver, hook)
			else : return false
		if verbroutine = &DoGo
			if object.type = direction and
			(location.(object.dir_to)).type = room,door
				"You hang up the phone before leaving the room."
				move receiver to hook
				receiver is hidden
				receiver is not someone_on_line
		elseif verbroutine = &DoListen and not object
			if receiver is someone_on_line and not Contains(player,receiver)
				"The phone is ringing."
				return true
		return false
		if (verbroutine = &DoGo, &DoExit, &DoEnter) and location ~= old_location
			receiver.found_in = location
			receiver.attached_to = self
			hook.part_of = self
			move receiver to hook
			return false
class phone_number
	type phone_number
	is known
		return player
		object DoDial
			receiver.current_number = self
			Perform(&DoDial, receiver)
			if verbroutine = &DoLook
				return false
			print "You can't do that with "; ;"."
Next come the receiver and hook. Note that the receiver is of the attachable
class. This will prevent the player from moving off to another location
while he's holding it. He'll also get a nice little inventory description
telling him that the receiver he's holding is attached to the telephone,
which impresses the hell out of people from Estonia.
attachable receiver "telephone receiver"
	is hidden
	found_in 0
	current_number 0
	adjective "telephone", "phone"
	nouns "receiver", "handset"
	article "a"
	attached_to 0
	attached_desc "attached to"
		if not Contains(player,self): "The receiver is on the hook."
		else : "The receiver is off the hook."
		object DoAnswer
			if Contains(player,self)
				"The phone is already off the hook."
			elseif receiver is not someone_on_line
				move receiver to player
				receiver is not hidden
				"You pick up the phone, but there's no one on the line."
				move receiver to player
				receiver is not hidden
				run   receiver.current_number.react_answer
		object DoGet
			if Contains(player,self)
				"The phone is already off the hook."
			elseif receiver is not someone_on_line
				move receiver to player
				receiver is not hidden
				"You pick up the phone."
				Perform(&DoAnswer, self)
		object DoHangup
			if not Contains(player,self)
				"The phone is already hung up."
				move receiver to hook
				receiver is hidden
				receiver is not someone_on_line
				"You hang up the phone."
		object DoDrop
			Perform(&DoHangup, self)
		object DoPutIn
			if xobject.type ~= phone
				"That shouldn't go there."
				return false
		object DoListen
			if not Contains(player,self)
				if receiver is someone_on_line
					"The phone is ringing."
					"The phone is silent."
			elseif receiver is someone_on_line
				"The other party is speaking to you."
				"You hear a dial tone."
component hook "phone hook"
	is open, platform
	part_of 0
	nouns "hook", "cradle"
	article "the"
		if Contains(self,receiver): "There's a receiver on the hook."
		else : "The hook is empty."
		xobject DoPutIn
			if object = receiver
				Perform(&DoDrop, receiver)
			else : "You can't put that on the hook."
		xobject DoGet
			if object = receiver
				Perform(&DoGet, receiver)
			else : "That's not on the hook."
		object DoMove ! DoPush
			if not Contains(self, receiver)
				if receiver is someone_on_line
					receiver is not someone_on_line
					"You press the cradle, breaking the connection."
				else : "You press the cradle."
			else : "The receiver is in the way."
routine DoAnswer
	"Sure. Ok, buddy. Whatever."
routine DoDial
	if not object
		"Dial it where?"
	elseif (object.type ~= phone,phone_number) and object ~= receiver or
	(xobject and xobject.type ~= phone)
		"You can't dial that."
	elseif receiver.found_in ~= location
		"There is no phone here."
			if not Contains(player, receiver)
				"You'd better pick up the phone first."
			elseif receiver is someone_on_line
				"That would be rude."
  run  receiver.current_number.react_dial
		return true
	return false
routine DoHangup
	if receiver.found_in = location : Perform(&DoHangup, receiver)
	elseif not object : "There's nothing here to hang up."
	else : "You can't hang that up."
#ifset _ROODYLIB_H
object 1st_room_phone_detector
	in main_instructions
		local a
		a = FindObjectOfType(phone,location)
		if a
			receiver.found_in = location
			receiver.attached_to = a
			hook.part_of = a
			move receiver to hook
		remove self
	if counter < 1
		local a
		a = FindObjectOfType&#40;phone,location&#41;
		if a
			receiver.found_in = location
			receiver.attached_to = a
			hook.part_of = a
			move receiver to hook
#if undefined FindObjectOfType
routine FindObjectOfType&#40;t, loc&#41;
	local i, obj, suspect
	if loc = 0&#58;  loc = location
	for i in loc
		if i.type = t
			if suspect
				return nothing
			suspect = i
		elseif children&#40;i&#41; and &#40;i is not container or i is open or i is not openable&#41;
			obj = FindObjectOfType&#40;t, i&#41;
			if obj
				if suspect
					! More than 1
					return nothing
					suspect = obj
	! Only do the whole-tree check when loc is a room-level object&#58;
	if parent&#40;loc&#41; = nothing and not suspect
		for &#40;i=1; i<=objects; i++&#41;
			if i.type = t and i ~= suspect
				if FindObject&#40;i, location&#41;
					if suspect
						! More than one
						return nothing
						suspect = obj
	return suspect
Well, there you go. I felt that properties would be a better way of doing things, rather than requiring authors to define a large routine (like in footnotes.h and newsimpletalk.h, for example).

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Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2002 6:23 pm
Location: Milwaukee

Post by Roody_Yogurt »

That's a good idea! I probably was inspired by phototalk/simpletalk when I added those routines, but yes, it'd be much nicer if the messages were attached to the phone number objects themselves.

Of course, that method could be applied to newsimpletalk, too. I see the appeal of dialogue being declared inside the relevant character object... although I guess I also can imagine authors wanting all dialogue in one place (well, two places).

Anyhow, cool that anyone would take such a close look at my code! Thanks for sharing!

Posts: 2181
Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2002 6:23 pm
Location: Milwaukee

Post by Roody_Yogurt »

I've updated the code over at ... stuff.html to reflect the change.

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